Playa profiles

Alan Burke
Bob IngramA 6 time Big Dog in the Knuckleheads, Bob is already headed for the KHO hall of fame career. He drives the ball only about 230 yards but makes up bunch of shots w/ his brilliant short game and putting. Another fierce competitor, he is a brilliant tactician when it comes to "match play" where he took down a +2 golfer in a Golfstyles cup match. He outsmarted his oppoenent by getting on his nerves (legally) and after a while, he just gave up. The loser even refused to shake his hand he was so upset.

Bob is the current TS coordinator and does a great job. In his off hours, he enjoys playing Fantasy Football and visiting dollar stores.
Brian DuffyRivaling Bob with expertise in the short game area, Brian has one of the best hands in the game. Two time Big Dog in 2015 and 2010, he can dominate the field when his game is on.
Bruce GrauBruce is one of the founders of the Knuckleheads and Big Dog 1998. He is the originator of the "OCO's" or "Oh Come On!" after each not so great shot. Fierce competitor who thinks "isn't this a friendly game" do not apply to golfing - maybe in a bridge game, but definitely not in golf.
Bruce is also the host of the Knucklehead News Network with his uncanny ability to merge jokes and probing questions to his interviewees after a tournament round.
Outside of golf, Bruce enjoys knitting and wrecking cars.

Gary BoukisBig Dog of 2017. He possesses one of the finest golf swing in the group. He is the 7-11 of the group because his mouth is always open and chatting w/ himself or w/ others about topics that are absolutely nothing to do w/ anything making talk show hosts blush.
Gill 'Doc' Nichols
Greg "Julio" Muolo
Greg SadowskiIs there a pro in the house? The answer is "yes" and this man is it. A rarity in the Knucklehead group. Greg is an all around solid player with a game good enough to compete at the highest level. What is he doing w/ the Knuckleheads? We've been asking that question for a while but we are glad to have him compete w/ us.

Despite his talent, Greg have not swept the Knucklehead tours or opens and we attribute to the fact that a lot of Knuckleheads get in his head. He also plays from different set of tees so he needs to be almost perfect to win. In his off time, he enjoys body building and timber cutting.
Jeff "Lance" Gruel
Joe Hirsch
Kwang YimThe most talented Asian player in the group. One would think that with all the Asians in the LPGA, that he would be just as good but that is furthest thing from the truth. Although he is improving at a glacier pace, each year he still has enough duck hooks for a Chinese dish. He is also a competiton ho who enjoys competition even if it meant to bend the rules a little just to get in the field and get embarrassed by the big boys.

Kwang is the creator and the web master of the Off hours, he enjoys playing basketball and attending Trump rallies.
Steve GolisSteve, Big Dog 2014, is retired from NASA where he oversaw the orderly organization structure of process management. So when he joined with the Knuckleheads, imagine the shock when our process was chaotic and crazy. Steve is a great player with a fast swing tempo and anothe short game artist. Infact, he has a crib sheet with all the short game pitch shots of how much to land and roll computed on the official NASA stationary. If the pitch/chip shot is not in his sheet, he will say " I don't have that shot" and right away mess up the shot so that the next chip shot will be in the notes.

Steve is the ultimate "mad scientist" golfer in the Knuckleheads. He actually owns a gizmo that spins each golf ball to find the true center of the ball so that he can precisely line up the putts.

Aside from being the "mad scientist", he is also the "protector of the field" where golf rules must be supreme for the field. No one can be exempt and the integrity of field must be protected at all costs. With the Knuckleheads, not a chance.

In his off hours, Steve enjoys studying golf swing mechanics and sky diving.
Greg Bayor
John Braun
John Hassett
Ken Smoot
Brian Murphy
Tom "AP" Stewart6 time Big Dog, Tom "AP" Stewart dominated the Knuckleheads in the 80's. There was simply no one who can play golf like him then. Tommy has a great short game and while he is no longer long off the tee, he is always in play. Another fierce competitor, he is always on the prowl for those unexpected pars (birdies are now as rare as a draw shot from Bob).

Tommy is the co-founder of the Knuckleheads and decided to bolt to Florida after he had enough of the Knucklehead antics. He now lives in sunny Florida where he gets to check out all the bikini babes on the beach drinking/making mai-tai's.

Tommy joins the Knuckleheads at least once a year just to get out of Florida and get the sand out of his car. And Knuckleheads love him.

When he is not chasing the bikini babes, he enjoys walking the beach and drinking mai-tai's.