Bob’s day at Old Hickory

As the saying goes, “when it rains, it pours…”.

On a beautiful Sunday where the changes in plans prompted Sang, Kwang, Bob, and Helen to congregate to the Old Hickory Golf Club in Woodbridge for a nice round of friendly and yet competitive golf, the saying was very applicable to one golfer.

Bob’s day appear to have an ominous warning when his first tee shot on the first hole (an uphill, slight dog left par 4) hooked wildly to the left into the forest. A drop and then a nice shot into the green for a 2 putt bogies save. Maybe we’re wrong about his day.

However his swing seemed out of whack where Mr. Consistency was anything but consistent. He was spraying all shots including his putts! His usually reliable short game was grossly “short” of usual reliability. Nothing, we mean nothing was working for Bob.

In the end, he records 99 and gets shellacked by Kwang 3,1 front and 3,1 on the back in matches. He gardners no skins and also badly loses to a woman who was about 5’1″. Obviously, not a good day at all. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end of it.

As dejected as he was, we were heading out of the golf course and drove about 20 minutes in to Occoquan when panic stricken Bob blurts out, “I can’t find my key fob! I think we have to return.”. He was concerned because he may not have a replacement, it is very costly to replace and most of all, he had no idea where he lost it. Several calls to the course were unfruitful.

So we turn around, go back to the course and begin searching the path he has taken. The path included the carts (any), parking lot, pro shop floors and hallway, men’s bathroom (where he actually dumped the garbage can and dug through the disgusting refuse – only to find a used condom – LOL, joke), and other areas of interest. No fob was found.

Bob was losing hope fast. Then out of the blue, the golf shop guy comes up to him and hands him the fob. It was found underneath a seat of one of the carts that he managed to not inspect. (Moral of the story is we should know what cart number we were riding AND we changed our cart after 9 holes because Bob didn’t like the battery light constantly blinking).

So despite the crushing defeat, not all was lost. Bob found his fob, played golf on a beautiful day, and spent quality time w/ his friends resulting in another “memorable memory”.

This has been another episode of the Knucklehead adventures.