Pilgrims Oak GC provided the scenery and vista for the finale for 2023 Tour Series season. Brian Duffy had a standing 6 point lead going in to the final round and was expected to cruise to a victory. However Jerome Lyons and Greg Muolo had other ideas in mind.

Brian started routinely in normal fashion but then for some reason, he started to make some uncharacteristic mistakes such as tap in putt spin outs, losing approach shots, wayward tee shots, etc. These mistakes started to accumulate costing Brian shots and made maintaining the lead difficult.

Following his amazing performance at OC, Jerome Lyons had the best round of the day shooting a net 72 to climb up the Tour Series leader board from a 4th place to a tie for 1st. Amazing feat. Greg Muolo did what he had to do to maintain his 2nd place and made some crucial putts and a timely birdie to also make it to the 1st place. Kwang Yim played OK but not good enough to make the top 2 spots and ended up with a respectable 3rd place.

4th place was